What is Pray & Play?

Our theme for Life Groups this summer is “Pray and Play”, where we’re encouraging groups to lean into the opportunities of the season by doing 2 things:
1. Prayer Walks (or drives!)
2. Parties

Summer is a prime season to lean “Out” as a group as weather warms up and schedules mix up. When we think of how to be an outward focused group, we think of the B.L.E.S.S. rhythms. Focusing on prayer and playing together are great ways to do

Prayer walks engage our senses to help us to listen to God for the missional opportunities around us as we prepare the spiritual soil for seeds to be planted.

With “Play”, just think of the way your group likes to have fun and invite others along! It can be a potluck, bowling, a cookout, a game night – whatever you like to do!

May 22 Summer Launch Party

Our Sunday worship services are where our groups gather to celebrate what God is doing and to hear from Him so that we can say “yes” to His promptings. Since these services are a gathering of groups, we want to continuously find creative and fun ways to feature our groups, since they are the basic expression of the church.

On May 22, all of our regions will feature a party hosted by our Life Groups after worship services as a fun way to give a connection point to groups!

As Pastor Steve said, “we’re not trying to create an audience that listens to a talk for an hour once a week; we’re mobilizing an army that will influence others for Jesus every hour of every day.”

Why Pray & Play?

As Crossroads has leaned more into Life Groups becoming a front door to reach new people, the summer has become a prime missional season. In the past, groups would break for the summer. Now, many are discovering that it’s a perfect time actively look “out” and find ways to grow in relationships with others. So, our summer themes will help us to focus our missional efforts.

When we think of how to live on mission, we think of the B.L.E.S.S. rhythms!

Looking out “Begins with Prayer”, so we can partner with God where He’s already at work.

Jesus’ primary place for mission was a dinner table where he would “Eat” with others. Today, most people will be receptive to things like meals or fun activities before they engage in spiritual conversation.

So, meeting as a group over the summer might look less like going through a guide together and more like hanging out and doing something fun. It only takes a little bit of intentionality to make connections that God might use!