Cutting Through the Noise
2. What Does God’s Voice Sound Like?
April 14, 2024

“Who is My Neighbor?” Cross-cultural training. Saturday, April 27. Leaving your house is a cross-cultural experience. How can we be good neighbors to those who think and live differently than we do and impact them with Jesus’ love? Join Crossroads’ global ministry partner Luciano Periera for this training that shares insights from his fruitful cross-cultural ministry in Panama. For more information and to register, visit

Have someone in the group read this: This group exists to make disciples who love and obey Jesus. The goal of our group is to multiply another healthy group, which means that someday one of you will be starting a group like this one! 

Connect with God and each other. (1/3 of meeting time) 

  • Icebreaker: What is one characteristic you admire in other people?
  • How did it go with getting closer to Jesus this week? 
  • Opening Prayer: Begin with a prayer, asking God to help the group understand His voice and to speak to each person individually.

Discover what God is saying to you. (1/3 of meeting time)

Read Romans 8:1-17.

  • To know God’s voice we need to know his character. What aspects of God’s character stand out to you in this passage?
  • How does relying on the Holy Spirit make it easier for us to hear from God? 

Read John 10:14 and 10:27.

  • What do you find encouraging in these two passages?
  • How does knowing Jesus as the good shepherd impact your daily life and decision-making?
  • In what areas of your life do you need to rely more on the guidance of the Holy Spirit?

Go and do it! (1/3 of meeting time) 

  • How can we have confidence that what we are hearing is from God?
  • How can you listen to God for others and encourage them based on this discussion?
  • Partner with one other person, take a moment to listen to what God is saying, and share what you are hearing or seeing.