Online Prayer Center
I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Thank you so much for praying! I want to give you news about my beloved mother. She underwent an invasive examination. The doctors thought she might have something serious in her lungs. But it isn't, thanks to God! She is recovering, I believe. There are times when it takes a little while to recognize, especially since we are all wearing a mask because of this pandemic. She been in the hospital for 54 days.

Please, keep praying for my beloved mother.

I am from Brazil.

It is so good to know that there are wonderful people who are willing to pray for those who suffer! Thank you very much! May Jesus bless and keep them! Amen.

"Porque por Ele, e para ele, sao todas as coisas; gloria, pois, a Ele eternamente. Amem."

Romanos 11:36

UPDATE: Let me tell you about my mother. I have great news about her!

She had to go through a new and last surgical procedure, I believe, but praise God because she is doing well. The surgery went well and she was wide awake today, smiling, whispering words.

Today, in the afternoon, we've made a video call for my mother to see her best friend and oh... she was very thrilled when they saw each other on cell phone. Indeed, we were all very, very moved, because she got so happy when she saw her best friend on the video call.

Jesus is wonderful. He is faithful and honors faith and prayers.

Thank you very much. I have no words to thank you for your love and care in praying for my mother.

Only Jesus can reward you. God bless your life. Please continue to pray for her.

I believe that in a few days she will be discharged.

As she suffered a stroke almost 30 days ago, she will need more close care until

she fully recovers. But I believe that soon it will be completely restored, for the honor, glory and praise of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

8/18/20 update: Dear brothers, good morning!

Thanks for everything. God is wonderful and has done incredible miracles in my mother's life. She underwent another surgical procedure. Everything went very well.

I ask you to continue praying for her. She has had a little fever and has vomited a few times.

I ask the Lord to cure you of this fever and of what has caused it. We really want her to be able to leave the hospital and come home soon. Doctors are investigating what this fever might be. May they find out, or may the Lord deliver you from it immediately, in Jesus' Name! the enemy wants to cause confusion in our mind, but it will not succeed. I believe in Jesus and I know that HE is the doctor of doctors! I call on Jesus' Name! That name that has all power! Hallelujah! God bless you powerfully!

Thank you!! Jesus is amazing! Oh Jesus, I love you!

Received: August 14, 2020