Online Prayer Center
I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


pls pray for me to get heal of period pains, to get heal of arm pains, lord heal me, my life and body, pls help me a high pay job receptionist/admin clek with good team to work with, lord pls help me in 2020, help me a man to love me and marry me, lord help me a man to settle, help me my man for life ,pls opn the eyes of my adam to see me lord, pls lord help me a serious man to love me and we settle ,with love and peace till death do us apart, lord remove all blockages in my life, pls untie me, open my life, unblock me lord, pls cleans me, from all evil , curses, set back, rejections, badlucks, witchcraft, lord help me in 2020,pls see me lord help me, pls hear my prayers, forgive me lord and pls help me, keep me safe, from my enmies all over where aim , help me to do well at my current job , letmy boss be good to me, and any thing evil reported to him over me by my enmies pls revert it back to them what ever wish evil they wish me lord let it happen to them, pls heal my mother help he r live long and in health, lord help me a high pay job to help her more and to stop her working she is old and still working, lord pls help me in 2020

Received: June 29, 2020