Online Prayer Center
I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


My husband and I have searching for a home that our family can grow at now, everyday, for 6 months. The current market is crazy, and everything is selling out from under us-- we finally found a home we love and our offer was accepted! Thank you God! We are now praying that we can sell our current home by the end of the week-- our offer is contingent on this happening. Please pray for our family, we have been searching for what feels like so long and have greatly outgrown our current living situation. We have been blessed to find a place we love, and that our offer was accepted. We pray that God will guide all parties involved to complete this deal if it is His will. I am have been so anxious, hoping this works out-- my stomach has been in knots for 3 days. Thank you! We look forward to being back in Church soon to worship together with everyone!

Received: June 30, 2020