Online Prayer Center
I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


I need prayer for my best friend. She's in the hospital on a ventilator in the critical care unit. She has a lot of health issues and has been going through them over the past 2.5 years. I pray that this time is no different than the rest. That she pulls through and remains strong. Right now they are only allowing one person per patient throughout their stay. So, I asked her mother to talk to her about surrendering her life over to God and that all her sins that she holds on her shoulders for years will be lifted and forgiven. She has always believed in a higher power but has always had a hole in her. A hole that only God himself can and will fill. Please pray with me that she will be saved today and recovery from this illness that will not take over her!!! In God's name "Amen."

Received: June 1, 2020