Online Prayer Center
I prayed for this

Prayed for 25 times.

Thoris Szczerba

Please pray for my Grandson. He is 17, he and Grandpa were trying to get a tractor pulled up over a steep hill, the strap broke and rolled over him twice. He is in Mercy Hospital with a broken femur and they are taking xrays and CT now. He is in horrible pain. Thank you for praying. I am thinking he will need surgery.

Update as of 5/7/20: He broke his femur, all the way through. He\'s going to have surgery in the morning, and will be in the hospital for a few days but he\'ll be able to bear weight on it when he gets home, no cast at all.

He\'ll have a metal rod though. They\'re X-raying the rest of his body right now to make sure nothing else is broken. CT scans were normal so no internal bleeding.

Update as of 5/8/20: He\'s out of surgery, it went well, but it looks like he\'ll be staying here for longer than we expected. They had to do a fasciotomy to relieve the major swelling in his muscle, so he has a long incision on his leg that will remain open until the swelling goes down to prevent muscle damage. So that will mean at least one, if not more surgeries as it heals. The doctor told me to expect him to be here for more like 10 days than the original 3.

Thank you for your continued prayers. Please keep Frank (Grandpa) in prayer.

Update on 5/9/20: Good news. My grandson came out of the horrendous drugs they had him in and he is doing much better! They are even getting him up to walk. He’s not wincing in pain or anything. Praise The Lord!!!! He doesn’t remember anything about the past two days. He had a rough two days and more surgery this week but Praise The Lord, he is on the road to recovery!

Update on 5/10: They gave my grandson a unit of blood (he has some kind of pump that is draining the wound) and he perked up afterward. His surgery is tomorrow, it was going to be first but someone else got hurt with multiple breaks so please keep them in prayer also. They have had him up each day, his pain is about a 5 or 6. They have him on some pain meds. He is eating and sleeping better. Thank you for your prayers.

Update on 5/11: They just took my grandson into the OR. It should be a short surgery. Please pray that they can close his leg today without needing any additional surgeries or skin grafting. Pray my grandson won\'t need a skin graft, his legs are so muscular from ice hockey they are afraid the swelling will not go down and they will not be able to close it. I rebuke those words in Jesus Name I declare Supernatural healing. right before their eyes!!! In Jesus mighty Name!

They closed him a little, but just a tiny bit on the top and the bottom. She said they\'ll go back in on either Wednesday or Thursday and try again, but based on what she saw today, she thinks he\'s probably going to need skin grafts to close. She said with all that muscle he has, it\'s just not going down enough to where there\'s enough skin to close him. he\'s going to be devastated when he hears.

So if they do the grafts on Thursday it\'ll be at least another 5 days after that before he can leave. But it might take one more surgery, probably not until next Monday, and then another 5 days after this.

Please pray for a supernatural encounter with Jesus and that he won\'t be discouraged and will be able to pass the time with faith .

Update on 5/12: PT came in and had him on crutches and then doing the stairs a bit and then put him in the recliner.

His pain was pretty bad after a more intense physical therapy today. More surgery in the morning I just found out. Pray that it is the last one and they can close it without a skin graft please. Trusting You Jesus!!!!

Update on 5/13: It closed today and they are letting him come home today!!!!!! Thank You Lord!!!! Thank You Jesus!!!! Hallelujah!!!!

Received: May 7, 2020