On September 18, we will begin our invitation series, “Big Questions”. This series is specially designed for those who don’t consider themselves to be Christians or are open to exploring conversations about faith.

We are encouraging all groups to structure meetings during this series with a simple format:

  • Food
  • A talk (from a provided video)
  • Discussion

The training below is designed to prepare existing groups or a team starting a new group to create a space for those you are inviting to encounter God during this series.


Video 1: Big Questions Group Training Intro

Discuss: Who do you feel prompted to invite for this series?

Video 2: 5 Best Practices

After watching:

  • Pause to pray for the group and the list of potential guests.
  • What roles do you think will work best for your team?
  • What do you think it would be like to visit a group as who does not follow Jesus? What do you think their hopes and fears are?

Video 3: Foundational Principles

Discuss: Which of these principles will you find easiest to do and which one may require you to stretch?

    Video 4: Hospitality

    After watching:

    • Decide what will you do for meals
    • Who will “host” and who will come early to welcome and engage with guests?
    • How will you create a welcoming environment for guests?

      Video 5: Facilitating Open Discussion


      • What will be challenging about having open discussion like this?
      • Share a time when someone accepted and loved you unconditionally. What impact did that make on you?