Crossroads Kidzone Children’s Ministry is committed to partnering with you, the parent, in your attempt to lay down a spiritual foundation that, in God’s timing, will lead your children into a relationship with God through Jesus. Our children’s team strongly desires to support you in fulfilling your God-given responsibility of launching them on a life-long journey and relationship with Jesus.
Our children’s team values:

  • Biblically Sound Teaching
  • Safety and Security
  • Age-appropriateness
  • Relevance
  • Creativity
  • Innovation
  • Community-building and Relationships
  • FUN!!!!!!!

As your children come to know Jesus and accept His unconditional love, they will experience peace, love, joy and the gift of eternal life. They will gain wisdom and knowledge to make choices that enable them to live a life that is pleasing to God. Accepting Jesus will empower your children to help them make wise decisions escaping the dangers that threaten their world.

Kidzone Nursery

In our ministry for kids birth through preschool there is nothing quite as exciting as introducing our littlest Crossroads kids to know, love & follow Jesus. This spiritual foundation begins in the KidZone nursery for your infants and toddlers, as they are lovingly cared for during services. Devoted volunteers model the love & care of Jesus through their nurturing by allowing each child to grow with happy, positive, and warm feelings about God and church. In addition, the infant & toddler nurseries allow parents, while in worship, and those sitting around them the opportunity to grow in their faith and experience God’s presence in worship without the distraction of an active, however cute and adorable, child. After all, God did not have “stillness and silence” in mind when he created children!

As your little ones grow, they will enjoy busy active learning as our leaders make the Bible come alive in a meaningful and fun way. They will have fun as they experience a structured, relevant, & age-appropriate introduction to learning & applying Bible truths through curriculum that is fresh, stimulating, creative, & active (just like the kids themselves)!

Kidzone K-5

Our weekend Kidzone ministry for kindergarten through 5th grade, is a place where games, activities, contemporary music, & creative teachings of the Bible truths are used to reach this generation of kids in a way that is fun & relevant to them. Shepherded by peer and adult leaders who teach & model for them what it means to be a follower of Jesus, your child will be supported, encouraged, & prayed for as they grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Our ministry year runs September through August and children are placed in their groups based on their age/grade as of August 31 each year.
Kidzone happens during the weekend services at Crossroads at every location.

Jenna Bartlomain
Director of Ministries
Pittsburgh West

Chelsea Pendergast
Early Childhood Director
Pittsburgh West

Ty Dantzler
Elementary Director
Pittsburgh West

Kellie Stock
Kids Director
Pittsburgh South

Liana Glenn
Kids Director
Ohio Valley