Family Circus
1. Parenting on Purpose
July 14, 2024

Connect with God and each other. (⅓ of meeting)

  • Icebreaker. What is a memorable experience you had on the first day of a new job? 
  • If you served or participated in KidzXP, tell us how you saw God at work. 
  • Follow up: Were you able to share your faith or plant seeds this past week?
  • Worship by singing together. Suggested song: Firm Foundation by Cody Carnes. 

Context for Discussion: Verses 6:4-5 in Deuteronomy are called “The Shema,” and it is the heart of the Jewish faith, as familiar as the Lord’s Prayer is to followers of Christ. 

Discover what God is saying to you. (⅓ of meeting)

Read Deuteronomy 6:1-9

  • What does it mean to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and strength? 
  • What do you think it means to “fear the Lord?” 
  • This passage encourages us to “show and tell” our faith to the next generation. What is one area of your faith  that you’ve felt God prompting you to grow? 
  • Share examples of ways you teach your children about God or how your parents taught you to follow God. 

Go do it! (⅓ of meeting)

  • How can you apply these approaches to invest in someone younger than you? 
    • Pray for God to reveal at least two names to you.
    • Pray for opportunities to share Jesus with them. 
  • Pray for parents to be empowered to model Jesus to their children daily.
    • Pray for the children to be receptive with open teachable hearts. 
    • Pray for God to do a mighty work in the hearts and minds of our youth.