

25FortyPgh is committed to providing people with access to the resources they need most. They are currently fighting food insecurity in our community through a growing network of mini food pantries around the Pittsburgh area. For more information or to get involved, visit 25fortypgh.org

Jeff Lutz, Community Service

This team serves as the hands and feet of Jesus in our community and surrounding area. In the past, they have assisted with flood relief, maintaining safe accommodations for those in need, and organizing mission trips to West Virginia to participate in work projects.


Luciano Pereira da Silva, ASA Movement

Luciano Pereira da Silva is an international church planter and ministry partner of Crossroads Church. Luciano is currently located in Panama City, Panama, where he has founded the ASA Movement – a multicultural faith community where families and neighbors gather together to share the Word of God.


To get involved with one of our ministry partners, e-mail contact@xr.church.