Online Prayer Center

ConnectUp offers Personal Prayer Ministry to individuals seeking healing, freedom, and strengthening in their connection with God.

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You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


Please agree in prayer for moms and dads asking the Lord to reveal the realities that follow an abortion. The "problem" they think they are ending, is only beginning. Seeing other children at birthday parties, on school buses, in playgrounds, restaurants, etc. after they take the life of their child will be painful daily reminders of their choice. Lead them to available help. Give them a determination to carry their baby to term. May no attack of the enemy succeed, we ask in Jesus' name!

Received: January 12, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Needing breakthrough prayer in a few areas. Please pray fervently until you have peace from God that it is done! Thank you so much:

1. Please pray against a spirit of suicide. Pray for miracles of deliverance and healing (emotional and spiritual).

2. Please pray for satisfaction in place of frustration in Jesus name. Pray the devil and all his hopes and plans be frustrated instead in Jesus name. Pray for fulfilled purpose for myself and many others I know who are on my heart. Pray for godly husbands and wives and agreement with God and others in prayer for this. Pray that God move quickly and destroy/totally remove every delay, hindrance or mountain in the way of his will Jesus name.

3. Pray specifically for the complete healing of my womb/reproductive system/bladder and that every chord of death and sickness be broken and totally removed in Jesus name. Pray for restoration and revival/reawakening of my femininity and everything that makes me female that has been attacked by the enemy physically and psychologically in Jesus name. Pray for freedom in the area of sexuality as God intends it in Jesus name.

4. Pray God move quickly and powerfully to open the door to a good, clean, safe, affordable, comfortable and suitable Christian living situation for us. That God’s will be done in this and in our work and finances. Pray we’re empowered to bless and be blessed.

5. Pray all the creativity of the devil be completely destroyed. Pray every curse attack and scheme of the enemy completely fail and fall flat in Jesus name.

Received: January 10, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Please pray for my friend Tom. He had to have a toe amputated.

Received: January 10, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.


I’m entering a time of change as many of my friends are retiring and moving away. You can’t make new “old friends” and I’m just asking God to show me what to do …

Received: January 8, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


I am requesting prayer for things that I cannot change. Strength and courage. Peace for my family and complete healing for myself. Thank you

Received: January 4, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


My friend who’s father had a stroke asked if I would add her sister-in-law to the prayer she had to go to hospital for a bad asthma attack. Also would like prayers for her son who’s having a hard time with his grandpa in the hospital.

Received: January 4, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


Prayers for friends father who had a stroke.

Received: January 2, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.

Stan Robinson

We have a middle school wrestler at Weir Middle School that was diagnosed with stomach cancer before Christmas and started chemo at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh. He has four more rounds of chemo scheduled in the coming weeks. I’m his coach and the whole team is praying for him.

Thank You

Received: January 2, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.


For health and healing. My dad suffered a massive heart attack and is in icu. They may not be able to do anything. Prayers for my family that we get through this difficult time

Received: January 1, 2023

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.


Please pray for my daughter and her husband. They live near his parents 3 hours away from me and her brothers. They have 2 year old twin girls that my daughter has with her almost constantly. She even works at a daycare and they go to work with her. Meanwhile her husband goes with his dad or friends to hunt, fish, golf or hang out a lot. She very rarely gets to go anywhere without the twins and when she does it is not to do fun things and not for very long. He also recruits help from his family to watch them when she does. Please pray he sees that he is not being fair and needs to see to it that she is given some real time away. And maybe on a date once a month with him while they get a competent babysitter.

Received: December 30, 2022