Online Prayer Center

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 29 times.


Please pray for Corrections Officers. Society often forgets that they, too, are on the front lines during this crisis.

They have a job that no one on the outside fully understands or how it really works on the inside. The pandemic has taken an already very dangerous job and made it even more dangerous than normal.

It is the Corrections Officer that transports inmates to local medical facilities regularly for various medical treatments. They, too, are terrified to get the virus and bring it home to their families. They, too, have little to no protection to do their “job.”

Aside from the virus, the pandemic has also caused tensions to heighten inside the facility. Please pray the Correction Officers do not break down due to the increased stress of their jobs.

Please pray for the inmates that they remain calm during these trying times. Many of their ‘activities’ have been taken away from them due the crisis.

Please pray that both inmates and Correction Officers turn to God for comfort. Please Holy Spirit make your presence known within those walls. Please pray that they receive a sense of peace.

In Jesus name, Amen

Received: April 7, 2020