Online Prayer Center

ConnectUp offers Personal Prayer Ministry to individuals seeking healing, freedom, and strengthening in their connection with God.

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You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Prayers for clarity on what to do with job situation. Stay where I am or go to a different place (new opportunity) in same field. If I do go, that things would work out. I'm always afraid to try something new because I have become so complacent after being in the same place for 13 years. I feel like I would be happier making a change, but just can't build up the courage to make the change. It's almost like I need to be furloughed or fired to push me into making a change; like that's the only way it will happen. I always think I will never know unless I try. I just can't get a clear answer from God on what to do....Thanks.

Received: August 16, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


Prayer needed for an 81-year old gentleman in the hospital in Connecticut with a gall bladder infection that has apparently entered his bloodstream and could be endangering his heart. His daughter is in the Outer Banks and is beside herself with worry. It is known that Crossroads is a praying church and wanted to get as many people as possible praying for healing for him!!

Received: August 16, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.

Patty Wilson

My friend has had severe pain in her neck and back. After having an MRI and an epidural, her legs have become weakened and she has lost weight. Please pray for her legs to be strengthened, for her appetite to return and to be pain free and encourage her through her days ahead.

Received: August 16, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.

Karen Evans Meyers

A family member had brain surgery 8/5. The tumor was successfully removed. He went home 2 days later. He is continuing to recover well. He has an appointment on Monday 8/17 with the brain tumor clinic which is when he will find out the tumor pathology result and what his next steps are. Please pray that it is benign, and that no further treatment will be needed.

Received: August 16, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.

Et C

This next Tuesday will be out 25th wedding anniversary but my wife has decided to end our marriage I'm praying that God would use this time to remind us of our covenant and bring us back together that He would restore and reconcile us, so that His name will be praised. That he would use restored marriages to spark a revival in this world

Received: August 15, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Dear All blessed soul,

This is humble request to please pray for my friends, who are suffered from Corona and in critical condition hospitalized now.

Please pray Almighty for immediate relive and recovery from this condition. Also pray for entire world to get out of this pandemic condition, everywhere all souls must be peaceful and happy with HIS blessings.

Received: August 15, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


On August 2, 2020, a young lady hydroplaned causing her car to roll from the west bound lane on 70 landing in the east bound. She was transported to Wheeling Medical Center due to the weather, where she was then transported to WVU Ruby Memorial Hospital. She was admitted into the SICU at Ruby with 28 staples in her head, right lung partially collapsed, a broken back in two places, multiple rib fractures on both sides, and both shoulders & Humerus (upper arm bones) are broke. Friday August 7th, she had surgery to repair both shoulders & humerus, but is more than likely facing two shoulder replacements. Praise the Lord that she is recovering well so far from this tragic experience. This young lady still has a long road to recover and during this time will be unable to work. Please send prayers for finances, healing, peace and strength.

Received: August 15, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Please send special prayers for a young family. The father has been diagnosed with Spontaneous Pneumothorax which is the beginning stages of lung disease which runs in his family. He had just landed a new job and a few weeks into the job was hospitalized and lost income due to being in and out of the hospital for the past month. The first hospital visit lasted almost 2 weeks where he require multiple surgeries including 2 chest tubes and his lung glued to the chest wall. When he was finally released his condition worsened at home and had to return to the hospital where he is currently. This second hospital visit has lasted over a week long so far and has required additional procedures with 2 lung fluid drainage tubes in his back.

The family has been living on minimal income before his condition and getting hired for his job, they were so excited, feeling like some weight lifted off their shoulder then this happened. They also have 3 young boys and a 1 year old baby boy. He also does not have health insurance.

Please send prayers for healing, finances, strength, resolve and peace.

Received: August 15, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Please pray for a couple of friends that they will get help from God one another all their debts! They have helped me already rather often and often in a very deep way.Thank You very much!

Received: August 14, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Thank you so much for praying! I want to give you news about my beloved mother. She underwent an invasive examination. The doctors thought she might have something serious in her lungs. But it isn't, thanks to God! She is recovering, I believe. There are times when it takes a little while to recognize, especially since we are all wearing a mask because of this pandemic. She been in the hospital for 54 days.

Please, keep praying for my beloved mother.

I am from Brazil.

It is so good to know that there are wonderful people who are willing to pray for those who suffer! Thank you very much! May Jesus bless and keep them! Amen.

"Porque por Ele, e para ele, sao todas as coisas; gloria, pois, a Ele eternamente. Amem."

Romanos 11:36

UPDATE: Let me tell you about my mother. I have great news about her!

She had to go through a new and last surgical procedure, I believe, but praise God because she is doing well. The surgery went well and she was wide awake today, smiling, whispering words.

Today, in the afternoon, we've made a video call for my mother to see her best friend and oh... she was very thrilled when they saw each other on cell phone. Indeed, we were all very, very moved, because she got so happy when she saw her best friend on the video call.

Jesus is wonderful. He is faithful and honors faith and prayers.

Thank you very much. I have no words to thank you for your love and care in praying for my mother.

Only Jesus can reward you. God bless your life. Please continue to pray for her.

I believe that in a few days she will be discharged.

As she suffered a stroke almost 30 days ago, she will need more close care until

she fully recovers. But I believe that soon it will be completely restored, for the honor, glory and praise of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

8/18/20 update: Dear brothers, good morning!

Thanks for everything. God is wonderful and has done incredible miracles in my mother's life. She underwent another surgical procedure. Everything went very well.

I ask you to continue praying for her. She has had a little fever and has vomited a few times.

I ask the Lord to cure you of this fever and of what has caused it. We really want her to be able to leave the hospital and come home soon. Doctors are investigating what this fever might be. May they find out, or may the Lord deliver you from it immediately, in Jesus' Name! the enemy wants to cause confusion in our mind, but it will not succeed. I believe in Jesus and I know that HE is the doctor of doctors! I call on Jesus' Name! That name that has all power! Hallelujah! God bless you powerfully!

Thank you!! Jesus is amazing! Oh Jesus, I love you!

Received: August 14, 2020